Solarium. Beginner's guide, part 2 - Acrylic plates.

Solarium. Beginner's guide, part 2 - Acrylic plates.

You will read the article within 3 minutes. From this post you will learn:

  • What are the different acrylic plates for a solarium?
  • When should I replace the plate?
  • How should I maintain the plate?

Acrylic plates for sunbeds, also called plexiglass, are smooth, transparent surfaces that separate clients' bodies from UV lamps. Acrylic plates, like UV lamps and other tanning accessories, wear out over time. Worn out acrylic plates block UVB and UVA light, which significantly reduces the tanning effectiveness.

When should the acrylic plate in the solarium be replaced?

  • when a crack appears on the plate,
  • when microcracks appear on the plate, the plate turns milky or brown (frequent signs of plate wear),
  • if you replaced the lamps and the tanning efficiency did not increase,
  • when the replacement period recommended by the manufacturer of the solarium has been exceeded
Worn out acrylic plate for solarium. Visible microcracks. Worn out acrylic plate for solarium. Visible microcracks.

Damaged acrylic plate for solarium. Clearly visible cracks. Damaged acrylic plate for solarium. Clearly visible cracks.

It's time for a new acrylic plate

Before you contact the company supplying your salon, prepare the information that will help creating the offer. When ordering, state the brand name and model of the sunbed, e.g. Ergoline Excellence 800.

Going for an acrylic plate to a DIY store or an advertising agency

If you have thought of visiting a DIY store or a company making ad banners to buy an acrylic plate, don't even admit it. These types of plates tempt with a low price, but they are not suitable for sunbeds. Their composition lacks substances that facilitate penetration of radiation. The use of this type of plates prevents tanning.

Take care of the acrylic plate

In order to enjoy the high quality of acrylics for longer, they should be properly maintained and cleaned. Dust, skin grease, sweat, and lotion traces can reduce the amount of light passing through the acrylic. It is recommended to use agents for cleaning glass surfaces, provided that they do not contain alcohol. Alcohol products can cause cracks in the plate which obstruct radiation transmission. Special products are commonly used to clean acrylics in tanning salons, such as the disinfectant Sol Clear Smart.

Be sure to instruct your clients... Using lotions that are not designed for tanning in the solarium can also damage the acrylic, so it is recommended to use professional tanning cosmetics in the solarium. There are even special dry oils on the market that are safe for acrylic plates, such as Gold&Glow. Clients should remove all jewellery during the tanning session to avoid scratching the plate.

Replacing the plexiglass in the solarium is often associated with ordering new supplementary elements, e.g. gaskets and expansion bolts. In our product range you can find acrylic plates for each model of the solarium, as well as all accessories needed for replacement. We also offer professional disassembly of the old plate and assembly of the new one. Find out more from our sales representatives.