Sunbed megaSun 7000 Alpha smartSun

SKU: MSalpha7000smartsun

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Sunbed megaSun 7000 Alpha beautySun Sunbed megaSun 7000 Alpha extraSun Sunbed megaSun 7000 Alpha hybridSun Sunbed megaSun 7000 Alpha smartSun

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megaSun 7000 Alpha smartSun
Brand new solarium
Lamps:46 x 200 W (max) smartSunlight
Facial tanners:4 x 500 W
beautyBooster:50 x beautyBooster HyperRed
Dimensions (L x W x H):2,384 mm x 1,431 mm x 2,038 mm
Max. power consumption:14kW (with AirCon)

The remarkably powerful 7000 series sets completely new standards and, above all, is one thing: versatile and flexible.
Sun and beautiful skin as you wish. You can choose between four spectral combinations: hybridSun, extraSun, smartSun, and beautySun. Fifty HyperRed BeautyBoosters provide an extra boost of freshness. The whole concept is completed with numerous comfort features and the Intelligent Control System, which leaves nothing to be desired for your customers.

The new 7000α smartSun offers a true highlight for the facial and shoulder area. The revolutionary Intelligent Light Technology combines sunlight and soothing beauty light in a high-performance facial tanner. Discover a particularly pleasant and gentle tan for a beautiful skin appearance.
BeautyBooster Pro
beautyBooster HyperRed
With the help of a new set of chips and an improved lens, we have increased the efficiency of our Beauty Booster by an additional 16%.
aroma aqua cool
aquaCool and Aroma
Refreshing and revitalizing water mist from two non-dripping streams. For full tanning comfort. The air can be also aromatized during tanning, on request.
sound system bluetooth mega voice
Sound System with Bluetooth & Voice Guide
Sound System can be individually fitted and integrated into the solarium. The sound system for an excellent sound experience. What’s more, Clients can connect the smartphone to the solarium via Bluetooth and listen to a personal playlist while tanning. A pleasant voice guides quickly and easily through the solarium‘s operating functions.
Intelligent System Control
Intelligent System Control
Intuitive control of individual functions of the device before a tanning session - for the solarium staff and customers. Even easier access for operators to maintenance and service settings.
Air Condition
The high-performance air conditioner guarantees a pleasant cooling sensation.
easy control
Easy Control
Easy-to-use operation of all key functions during the tanning session. Structured and intuitive.
color motion
Color Motion
Innovative decorative lighting technology. Owners can choose their favorite colour using the touchscreen remote control.
CPI Energy
CPI energy ensures lower energy consumption, more power, and longer tube life; allows adjustment of all common UV standards on the screen or with just one button press (only possible with original tubes).

Additional Information

Additional Information

Type of ballastsElectronic adjustable
LED Tanning TechnologyNo
LEDs red lightYes
LEDs blue lightNo
Air conditioningYes
Power consumption (max.)14,00 kW
Fuses3 x 25A


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